We offer only the best daycares in West Edmonton

Child care on your mind? Part-time? Full time? After-school? Daycare? Close? Far? Regulated?

Stop worrying! CareFind is here to take the guesswork out of finding a daycare that’s right for your child and your needs.

Trust us. We list the best daycares close to you. Whether you live in Whitemud or Wedgewood, Callingwood or Cameron Heights, CareFind will help you find the perfect daycare centre. All our daycares are government-regulated, run by experienced professionals, and the best you could hope for.

Register on our site, it’s FREE! Enter your postal code. Click… and choose from our extensive list.

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Why Choose CareFind

daycares calgary

Trustworthy & Reliable Resource

Our carefully selected list of childcare and daycare centres has been through a stringent selection process. CareFind ensures that they’re close to you because they are based on postal codes. Our extensive database connects you to their websites so you can take virtual tours, watch videos, and check services offered. Save potentials to your dashboard. Then assess the merits of each one.

daycares calgary

Built for Parents

Did we tell you that we’re parents too? We know and sympathise with all that you’re going through to make this decision. That’s why our daycare and child care providers in West Edmonton are only listed after we’ve researched them ourselves.

daycares calgary

Streamlined & Easy Process

Piece of cake! Like getting a slice from the cake ATM at Carlo’s in West Edmonton Mall! Simply enter your postal code, 0C4, TS9, 0G1, 1J3… anything! And our hi-tech system delivers a list of all the affordable, child care centres near you. Visit them online, at your leisure on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. Save those you like to your dashboard. Virtually visit them before you make your shortlist.

daycares calgary

Only the Best Child Care Centres

We’re sure that our CareFind criteria are close to yours. So, you can choose with confidence from our list of government-regulated, licensed, quality, childcare services.

What To Look For in West Edmonton Daycares

Our CareFind lists carry only approved, licensed, government-regulated centres not only in West Edmonton, but wherever we offer our exclusive database. Once you’ve identified your preferences do visit them in person. CareFind suggests:

  1. Ask all the questions you want. While online check and countercheck programs and services offered, e.g., do they offer transportation, or have early or late opening hours.
  2. Look for qualified/ certified support for speech and/or occupational health therapy.
  3. Ask if they offer out-of-school care.
  4. How about pre-school support?
  5. Remember fees vary considerably. Is your preferred centre within your budget?
  6. hich centres are close to your home or your child’s school.

How CareFind Makes Childcare Searching Easy

With CareFind you can check everything virtually and from your home.

Save the list to your personal dashboard.

Contact those that meet your needs.

With CareFind you’ve got West Edmonton daycares all wrapped up! Top quality? Check! Government-regulated? Check! Part-time, full-time, after-school? Done!